anheuser this is a name we dont recollect much ...but say budweiser and we pop up....apparently busch owns the brand called bud along with various other businesses....theme parks being one....busch gardens is a v popular destination in virginia....its in a place called williamsburg ....this town has nothing else except for this....this theme park .well...has a theme... its based on ..sections of this huge real estate are based on the respective countries architecture ....we reached the park through the scotland .entrance.....went on to england from where we went to france on a skyride ...a ropeway basically......france is where the newest roller coaster ride was was a ride called Griffon...the attraction was a 90 deg drop vertically from a height of 210 feet at 75 mph!!!!..imagine free falling at 75 mph....thts how it felt....this ride attracted lotsa people ...the que was big enough to remind me of temple was our turn to sit ....frankly ...i have vertigo....fear of heights...and this was just what i did not need....but ..raghu's enthusiasm made me take it ....hell it was the "less than 1 min" chugs along slowly to 210 ft and then slowly crawls up till the tip of the platform..then curls along the radius...and guess stops...!! with us hanging on our shoulder straps and looking down waiting for fate to decide wat to do with us ...those 5 secs are all we have to make our last feels like our brains are left behind ...awesome adrenaline ...and before we realize wat happend...180 flip..!!!..too much to handle ....before we realize ..another 90 deg drop....another series of flips later end of ride....we walk back all shaky....awesome it was.....with the baddest ride conquered, i was ready for the next round of rides.... must admit i am really impressed with the 4D shows....we all remember chota chetan...the only 3D movie indian movie from ages ago...we had to wear spl glasses for that...well...we getto wear the same kinda glasses for the 4D shows too...the 4th dimension being the thrill while trying to be realistic....the seats that we sit in..move in every which u the feel of being ...all these rides have one thing in common...they make you fall down...i mean down......well...thts the video they make u watch while the sound effects are enough to make you believe you are actually feeling it all...and to make things better....when u fall down..u get a huge gush of air on ur does feel like u r falling down and u grip the seats ....and when they want to make u believe u touch water while falling...a sprinkle of water is thrown on ur face...wicked....amazing these rides are....lots more waiting in lines later we went to almost all rides and ended up with something called roman rapids...a white water rafting kinda ride....after all the adrenaline rush we had earlier...this was nothing but a damp squid....took the skyride back to france to wind up with yet another 4D show was a comedy one with Leslie nielson....well...we were too tired to enjoy it out of there and back to our cars via shuttle trains....phew..end of a tiring but fun day.....