Ocean city, Maryland is a small town but v popular in summer for the beach….now interestingly, this place is a strip of land…its got one big main road with buildings on both sides and behind the buildings on one side is the beach and the opp side is the bay…so..its water water everywhere scenario…awesome it is….its a big party time destination too… but we were going there to Ocean City Car Show . Mike had taken up a stall to display out there.
Now the bigger bit of story is reaching there….3 hrs drive …me n mike were in a rental van..2 seater with lotsa stuff in the back of the van…brendan in his SUV and the model for mikes stall in her car…see…this is where the worlds oil is goin….neways…the roads in US are very nice and well made…but at times…it looks more than well made…thts where dependency on GPS kicks in..now we didn’t have GPS…so we had to rely on google maps and then print out the route instructions….miss one exit and we miss the route big time….we were to reach Ocean city through a complex set of roads….unfortunately …the route instructions missed one exit …we were searching for the next exit in the wrong road only to realize we went 23 miles out of way…..!!!!...this is the complexity…in India..all we have to do is stop at a cigarette shop and ask….we get back on track …. That does not happen here…now that is the painful part… we went 23 miles ahead to piss on the roadside and get back…just when my bladder was full…mike ..the fool deliberately drove on rumble strips on the side of the road….one more rumble strip and I’d have pissed in a bottle in the van…asshole..we had lotsa fun on the way only to get frustrated coz we had missed the road big time….finally reached up….set up the stall overnight…it was quite late by then …checked into our hotel room and then..party time..!!! went to a club called seacrets…awesome place…now this town is a huge party all the time…v much like Goa…got back at 3 in the morning…had a blast….next mrng ..lazily got up to go to the show …this place had diff cars ..nice show this was….one thing common to all car shows is the music and the glamour and money…money spent on cars…too much….this was an indoor hall…and we were in a hall adjacent to the main hall….the music in the main hall was awesome…there was a DJ mixing competition and the music was awesome ..unfortunately , we were tortured with a playlist of 5 songs….5 songs played 30 times full day…I hate all those tracks now….# 1 on hate list is alien ant farm- beat it ….even in my dreams I was listening to “beat it beat it beat it beat it beat it…….’..aaarrrrghhhhhhhhhhhh….and rihana-umbrella…” ela ela ela ela ..eh eh eh eh eh eh….”…..I will run away if somebody plays it ….one more day of same music throbbing in the head…hated it …....whenever beat it wud play..i ran away…these guys saw it…the playlist was predictable…so..if I was bz talking to somebody …thse guys wud trap me and not let me run away….assholes…but I’d still run away neway….cudn’t tolerate tht track at all….brandon got back to West chester earlier…so..when “beat it “ wud play..we called him and put the fone on the speaker and made him listen….so he suffered either ways….sweet revenge…. got back late on sunday night … had an awesome time there…me Brandon and mike….laughed all the while….
chek out pix….